I got a bit spare time and once again added a small bit of functionality to the script: Flood fill – or maybe better known as “bucket” tool to most people. The basic function is in, it fills enclosed areas with the selected foreground […]
Author: quhno
Rest in Peace, KartOO
Back then … Whenever I knew what information I needed but didn’t know which search terms would lead me to this information, you were there and helped me reliably. I only needed to enter a search term and you showed me a cloud of […]
The odyssey of finding a certain video
This is only a short rant about the stupidity of a bunch of search engines that basically all use the same search database. I knew that I had once seen a video of Brendan Eich (more than a year ago) that dealt with classes […]
How To add Search Engines that use POST to Vivaldi
There is a long standing problem with Vivaldi not adding every kind of search engines, e.g. the current implementation still does not add search engines like SearX This happens because those engines use POST instead of GET in their search forms and Vivaldi does […]
Doodling with Harmony Keymod
I am definitely no artist but some people liked this image – I wonder why, no joke. The Original is about 4000*3000px and was created with “Harmony Keymod”, a heavy modified version of Mr.Doop’s Harmony, a procedural drawing tool, in less than 15 minutes. […]
In the Name of Accessibility: Check Your Alt Attributes!
Occasionally I am browsing the net with images switched off because I am only interested in the text and don’t want to download gigantic amounts of decorative images – especially since several pages started to use HDPI images which are 4 times the size […]
Why Vivaldi’s Reader, and others too, sometimes don’t do what you expect
TL;DR Vivaldi Read Mode was was never meant for pages like Twitter, Youtube comments, or Facebook chats but for articles. As general rule of thumb you can assume that everything that has a continuous or adjacent text chunk of more than 300 characters counts […]
Always ask for the download location (hack)
Deprecated – is now built in. Several users, one of them me, prefer Vivaldi to ask for the download location for every download. Sadly unchecking the option Settings > Downloads: “always save to default download location” does not work for some types of downloads, especially downloads […]
How to get the data of the SmartRSS Extension from Opera 15++ to Vivaldi
Open Vivaldi and Opera 15+ In Vivaldi: go to https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/smart-rss/?display=en click “Add to Opera” on the popup thingy click on “get it anyway” save to a place where you can find it again. open vivaldi://plugins drag and drop the extension file from your […]
Followup on styling Vivaldi with CSS
Outdated. No longer needed! We have Themes now 🙂 Following up the post https://quhno.vivaldi.net/2015/07/02/some-quick-vivaldi-panels-css-hacks-for-better-readability-or-accessibility/ I’ve made some smallish changes that take care of some minor things I don’t like with the UI. They can be applied the same way as in the previous blog post. […]